The Concert Experience
For great music to thrive in Spivey Hall, SILENCE IS GOLDEN
Spivey Hall’s superb acoustics make listening to music here exceptionally rewarding. However, these very sensitive acoustics also amplify all other sounds in the hall, which can significantly diminish the concert experience. Additionally, most Spivey Hall concerts are recorded for delayed public radio broadcast. Extraneous noise can adversely affect the recording quality.
To optimize the concert experience for the performing artists and audience members alike:
- Please do not talk during the music.
- Please cover your mouth when coughing or sneezing. (Complimentary tissues and cough drops are available from the ushers.) If your cough persists, please move to the lobby.
- Minimize noise from cough drop or candy wrappers.
- Please turn off all electronic devices before the music begins.
- Please hold your applause until the end of each complete work, or group of shorter works. Clapping between movements can often disrupt the continuity of the performance. If you’re unsure, wait for the musician(s) to turn to the audience, or for others to applaud first.
Thank you for helping to ensure a wonderful experience for all in attendance.